99 Old River Road | Martic Township
These trails, that are on Public Game Land, take you around edge of the Muddy Run Power Reservoir. Exelon maintains the reservoir and the shore line. There is a fence surrounding the water, so you are unable to access it (it really is the perfect place to go for the zombie apocalypse since the fence is already up). Because these are game lands, I don't recommend hiking during hunting season. It can get quite crowded with hunters.

The trail to the right of the parking lot is a very level, easy walk. If you follow the utility road and take the trail to the left of the parking lot, be prepared to do some trail blazing and be fully exposed to the sun. This area is full of wildlife. I've seen deer, turkeys and birds of prey.
Distance: 5.25 miles-plus of trails
Terrain: grass | dirt | rocks | paved | wooded
Difficulty: Medium Rare/ Medium
Activities: hiking | walking | trail running | leashed dogs | horseback riding
Parking: large lot
Restrooms: no
Wooded Loop | 2.5 miles
Medium Rare | 45 min-1 1/2 hrs
This is a fairly level and an easy trail to follow. The path is mostly grass and is very wide. It's a pleasant walk around the reservoir, but does not allow you to access the water.
After parking pick up the trail on the right. You will pass by a field before you enter the woods. Continue straight along the fence (you can turn right, down a hill and this will take you about a third of a mile along the fence until it dead ends at PA-322). The trail follows the fence around the reservoir. After you pass across the powerline right of way the fence will take you to a utility road that you take to the left up a hill and back to the parking lot.
Farmland/Utility Road semi-loop | 2.77 miles
Medium | 1-2 hrs
This "trail" takes you along the reservoir, through farmland and along a powerline right of way. It is fully exposed to the sun and can be rather overgrown in some spots.
Follow the utility road past the yellow gate, then continue to go down until you reach the fence. The road goes up to the left, but follow the fence around the reservoir. You will eventually come to a powerline right of way. From here you have an open view of the reservoir and this is where I've spotted large bird nests on the pylons. Go left and follow this gravel road over several hills. This road turns left and before it turns right cut into the field at the edge of the woods. This will take you back around to the utility road in the beginning.
From Lancaster City take US-222 S/S Prince St
Continue straight onto PA-272 S/Willow Street Pike for 8.6 mi
Right onto PA-372 W for 4.9 mi
Left onto Old River Rd
Road dead ends, parking is on the right
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